Thursday, May 31, 2012

Broke the 240lbs mark!

I just weighed in and I weigh 238.8lbs!! I am tickled pink! BMI is 36.5. I helped my Mom move back to Lexington, KY (my hometown) yesterday. I guess unpacking all those boxes was my exercise I needed to kick up the 1.4lbs I lost this morning! Yeah! Plus TOM always helps to jump start my WL too. After WLS is the 1st time I have loved my TOM! lol I know some people say they gain during TOM, but I lose like crazy. It's a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say. I got my Click in the mail yesterday evening and had my 1st cup a bit ago. I feel great and perky again. Coffee, even my one cup a day, really jumps starts my day and you gotta love the protein factor. Ok, ok, I sound like a Click spokesperson, but I just can't tell you how much I love this stuff! Here's a pic of me in a dress I bought from QVC that I was sure would be too small, but I thought I'd have in the future. It's a size 18. I went to a fabulous awards banquet that night in which my dear friend was awarded Humanitarian of the Year by the Medistar Awards. She was honored for her good work in working with folks with mental illnesses like her son with paranoid schizophrenia. She truly is a visionary. Congrats Kelly!! Anyway, here's the pic:
238.8 feels SO good!! Another 10lb milestone...I'm never going back there again!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Won the Click Decaf!

I have had a great day today. I weighed this morning at 240.0lbs, I had a very easy and quiet day at work and last but not least, I won a free canister of Click Decaf from Bariatric Foodie! Thanks, Nik! I got up late this morning, so I didn't get my butt to the gym, but I am going to water aerobics at 6pm tonight to make up for it. I love swimming, it's fun and a great workout! As for Memorial Day, my hubby and I went to what I call the annual "Redneck BBQ." His brother hosts it at a local park, but most of the guests are kinda on the "country side." Tattoos, people smoking like chimneys and lots of children with different daddies running around is kinda my definition of "redneck." lol Don't get me wrong, I grew up in West Virginia, but I was the best dressed gal there. The main course was pork butt. My father-in-law owns a butcher shop, so protein is always at the top of the list when we get together with them. I LOVE that since WLS. I had my normal nibble of the pork butt, a couple of bites of baked beans and a spoon of my mother-in-law's potato salad (without the potatoes). I am still a newbie (5 months out), so I was full after that. On the way home, hubby stopped by Bruster's ice cream. I had a couple bites of some banana ice cream that wasn't as good as I remembered pre WLS. So overall, I did well for another holiday potluck. I felt guilty about the ice cream, so I had a EAS Whey protein powder shake for dinner, then before bed I had some FF cottage cheese. I got a lot of compliments on my WL progress from the rednecks that made me feel good such as "your gonna be smaller than all of us soon." I still get a bit embarrassed when I get compliments, but I am proud of myself for losing 117lbs as of this morning. My dear, sweet hubby (we will be married for 15 years this year), texted me earlier and said "Thinking about you. Wondering what you were doing and if you were smiling" That made my day. I'll have to post a pic of us. He needs to get serious about WL himself, but I'm not pushing. You can lead a horse to water...well you know the rest. I love him anyway. Maybe I'll be his influence for change...someday. Outta Click this morning, but it's coming in the mail tomorrow addiction to coffee is huge after WLS. Especially Click. I think that's really weird. I wouldn't touch the stuff until the middle of last year. I used to think like my hubby that it tasted like "burnt toast." I loved the smell in the grocery, but I just couldn't stomach it. I just hadn't found the right kind, the healthy kind! More and more studies are coming out talking about the benefits of coffee, so I guess I have come to love it at the right time. Quote of the day: "Anyone who believes the competitive spirit in America is dead has never been in a supermarket when the cashier opens another checkout line." When I hit 239lbs, I'll be back...

Monday, May 21, 2012

I LOVE Click!!

So there is this contest going on to win a canister of the new Click Mocha Decaf protein coffee drink out there and I wanna be on of the winners!! I learned about it on Bariatric Foodie's blog. check it out here:
Bariatric Foodie
This Coffee protein powder is the best I have EVER tried!! I don't have any side effects of caffeine after my VSG, but I'd love to drink it in the evenings just because it tastes so darn good and has SO much protein!! Anyway, Today is my 5 months post op sleeversary. I weighed in at 243.8lbs this morning. I'm getting closer and closer to that beloved 199lbs (onderland!). I had a short day at work today and I got to enjoy a relaxing day of doing NOTHING! I don't get those days very often with my "part time" job, so I relish in these kind of days. I did my hour workout this morning so I'm pretty stoked about weighing in tomorrow morning. My everyday ritual. I gotta do it to stay on track and actually to have an extra skip in my day when the scale even moves down .2lbs! I have grown to love my scale and the new me!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Airplane Success!!

I got on an airplane on Wednesday morning and I FIT in the seat!! I even put the tray table all the way down! I got teary eyed. Now what can I get to celebrate my 1st goal I've achieved? A plane charm for my charm bracelet maybe??? Or maybe that sapphire ring I've been wanting!!! Gotta go. Date night!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My VSG Journey after the 100 lb mark!

Hi there! This is my 1st blog post! Yeah! I had vertical sleeve gastrectomy surgery on December 21, 2011 (my new birthday!). Since I got serious about weight loss during my 6 month insurance required diet on October 3, 2011, I have lost 105.6lbs!! I could never have done it without this life changing surgery. I have about 80lbs until I reach goal. I hope to get there by November 21, 2012. For anyone thinking about weight loss surgery who is at least 100 lbs overweight, I would really suggest it. Do your research on surgeons then make this decision. You will be SO happy you did. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been easy, but it's still a wonderful tool for a healthier and happier life. That's it for now. I'll write more later...I LOVE my sleeve!!!